Thursday, May 14, 2009

Fire station WOD / Zone

Stole todays WOD from

5x5 bench press

185-195-205-210-215 (PR)

100 single unders


5:30 am -- starbucks.....

8:30 am -- 4 whole eggs with cheese and cooked with a leedle bit o butter :)

12:00 noon -- KFC grilled chicken breasts, 2 small coleslaws.

6:30 pm -- 2 hamburger pattys, baked beans, 1 small roll.

9:00 pm -- i will probably whip together a protein shake.

Looking back i think i am lacking in carbs but i think its ok for a work day.... leave a comment and let me know.


  1. Awesome blog Dave!! How many blocks are you on? Are you doing any restrictions like half the carbs, 2x fat or anything like that?

  2. Dave, stoked on you blog! I will be looking here for good WODS to do at the fire station. I don't know about you but our equipment is lacking, so you have to use your imagination. It looks like your zone meals need a some tweaking. Do you have access to the CFJ? If so, there is a great article explaining the zone. If not, I'll send it to you. Or i'll explain it to you in as much detail as you want. You off tomorrow?

  3. Sweet blog!! You leedle crafty man!! I love you!!
